2006 December 17 Sunday

What decision junction leads to SELECT DEFAULT DESKTOP in 6.1 install?

I cannot find what decision junction leads to the SELECT DEFAULT DESKTOP
screen as featured in the installation documents and portrayed in

Figure 2-51. Select Default Desktop

I have installed from scratch three times looking for this but have failed
to find it. Naturally, my subsequent efforts with

% echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc

followed by


have lead to failure.

I appreciate that from your point of view this probably comes under the
heaing of "one more for the idiots of the year list," but I have racked my
brains over this one and have come to a total dead end.

I have done a basic installation okay, and can log in and can see a
three-pane display which I presume to be the default tmw desktop.

I can su okay and can shutdown okay with shutdown -h now.

So I figure my equipment is compatible and that my basic understanding of
the installation fundamentals is correct.

If you could favor me by pointing me in the direction of the decision
junction which I am failing to spot, then I would be very grateful.

Hugh Cook

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