I could use a little help on this one,  Trying to run cvs for first time and 
all I get is the following ,

!ThompsonToys# cvs     (what I entered at command prompt)

Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
    (specify --help-options for a list of options)
  where command is add, admin, etc.
    (specify --help-commands for a list of commands
     or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
    (specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
  Specify --help to receive this message

ThompsonToys# cvs login
cvs login: No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
cvs [login aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.

I can usually get most things up and running after a bit of dappling,,This one 
has me most flustered,and could use a nudge in the right direction,,Any 
insights apprecited  Thanks ,jbt

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