----- Original Message ----
From: Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Many shells keep a history as a matter of normal operation.  You might
>find that enough for you.  Personally, I use bash, and the command
>"history" brings the last 100 commands or so.

No, this isn't sufficient. The problems are:
1) occasionally the sysadmin people at the server farm do stuff
2) sometimes I edit files, and of course the shell doesn't record how
3) the shell history seems erratic! It remembers the session clearly, but if I 
reboot, for example, and look at the history, it's not what I would
 expect it to be.

I am not certain if you are using X or console.

On X windows you can set the size of the history to your liking - I usually set 
to unlimited. Then, as frequently as one wishes, save the session to a log 
file. I have not found any problem with history not being the "history".

As far as file editing is concerned if the file is important to you then you 
might want to try saving a snapshot when you open the file and use a small 
script to both save the snapshot and do a diff report that stores the 
differences between the file when you opened it and when you saved it. opened. 
That way you always have as permanent a record as you wish to keep.

My 2 cents


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