Hi Didier,

I think there are too many questions in this email.

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Didier Wiroth wrote:

> I'm using xfce 3.8.18 (from ports collection). I download the sources of
> xfce4 from cvs and wanted to compile the stuff! Like they mentionned it:
> ./configure than make (but I get an error message)! I'm using FreeBSD
> 4.7-release
You should post the end of make's output to this list and put up
a meaningful subject line like
xfce: make fails with ....

> Well honestly I'm a *NIX newbie (coming from Windows) and I'm not a
> programmer! I would "really like to learn" how to download sources and
> compile and install stuff by myself (without using the ports collections)!
Start with something simple like the console browser lynx, or the
console mail client pine.

Most graphical applications are pretty difficult to compile.

> I do understand that I might leave my Freebsd system unstable or even
> unusable after installing Software!
Normally you won't. You always have backdoors like logging in
from a differrent terminal and killing processes.

> I would like to be able not to be "only" dependant of the ports-collection,
> to do that, you need to be able to compile stuff correctly but I need some
> help or doc? Where can I start?
On the applicaton's homepage.



*        Peter Ulrich Kruppa        *
*          -  Wuppertal -           *
*              Germany              *

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