Marc G. Fournier wrote:
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- --On Tuesday, January 09, 2007 12:14:15 -0500 DAve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That was my thought as well. I have my pop toasters all mounting a NFS mail
store and when NFS goes away I don't have my NFS clients doing a fsck when
the mount returns.

Not sure if that is important as iSCSI is all new to me, still reading up on
it. Does FreeBSD do anything special to a NFS mount when it returns?

'k, maybe I'm misunderstanding things, but iSCSI != NFS

I never said it was, my rather poor example (I said I was new to iSCSI) was if a remote file system crashes, who should fsck it? The server (Target) or the client (Initiator)?

... iSCSI is just removing your SCSI drives from your local server and putting them in a different location (over an ethernet connection) ... with NFS, you have one server to which multiple clients can connect ... with iSCSI, you have a one-to-one mapping of a file system on the 'target' to the server in question ... so, again, it was my understanding that stuff like an fsck is the responsibility of the server, not the target, same as if the SCSI drives were local to the server ...

As I thought. However, I clearly don't know much about iSCSI, though I know more with every page I read. I will always defer to those with experience, which is why I ask (sometimes stupid) questions ;^)


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.
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