Helo friends,

1. I have installed Mysql 5 and media wiki 1.7 in FreeBSD 6.0 version. but forgot to install PHP before media wiki installation.

but while installing mediawiki (through ports collection) some PHp packages its installed automatically.

2 . after the mediawiki installation I used ports collection (/usr/ports/lang/php5) to install php5 but I haven't selected any options from the menu .

after installation of php and modifications in httpd.conf , I pointed my browser to my media wiki installation , I got the mediawiki setup link , but when I clicked the link its showing the error message as follows

   * PHP 5.2.0 installed
     Could not find a suitable database driver!
o For MySQL, compile PHP using --with-mysql, or install the mysql.so module o For PostgreSQL, compile PHP using --with-pgsql, or install the pgsql.so module

3 .So I returned to /usr/ports/lang/PHP5 and tried make reinstall but its showing an error already Php5.2.0 installed so I can't move further.

4 . the I tried /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions (make install clean) and selected from the menu Mysql support & zlib support and continued its completed .. then tried the mediawiki setup link but got another error

php-xml support was not ther , so returned to /usr/ports/lang/php5 / php5-extensions

but when i have given the make reinstall again both ports not showing the menu frame to select any of the mysql driver or xml support

If any body ther who familiar with these , I will be very thankfull to you , as this is an urgent requirement for me

Thanks in Advance

Pls help  me to solve this

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