On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 10:44:36AM -0500, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 12:01:51AM -0600, Nikolas Britton wrote:
> > On 1/9/07, Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >FreeBSD is created and supported by volunteers.
> > >Seems like you just posted a nice list of things
> > >for you to get busy and contribute.
> > >
> > 
> > I don't have time to contribute work, I have a business to manage as
> > well as other obligations that come first... I need this stuff to just
> > work... so I can get real things done.
> Yah, well the people doing it are also busy and working at things
> which are supposed to make them a living.   Most make their
> FreeBSD contribution work on the side - in addition to their
> paying jobs although some are in the fortunate position of working
> for someone who recognizes it as also contributing to their
> productivity on the job.
> There are many ways to contribute.  Not all are writing code.
> Some are in documentation and in other services.   And, although
> it is a volunteer project, it does require money to support such 
> things as servers and test machines and network access.
> So, if you cannot contribute time and effort and your business is
> so valuable, then consider contributing money - to support someone
> to work in the project, at least part time.
> If you only want to get something for nothing, then you live
> in the wrong world.

Hear, hear.

Nikolas, there are many things that FreeBSD need, a large number of them do
not require programming. As a Christian here is a saying that I'm sure you
are familiar with, "It's better to light one candle than to curse the
darkness". So brother Nikolas, what candles have you lit today? You
certainly have produced a lot of smoke.

One of the things you could have done instead of wasting your and our time
on this thrash is to sit down a write a detailed description of some of the
things you find lacking in FreeBSD. By detailed I mean a series of bullet
points that describe what is the problem, what you tried, what your setup
was, OS version, hardware configuration, etc. This would be a whole lot
more helpful than standing on a street corner and screaming, "FreeBSD is
FUCKED! Linux is taking over!"

Many hands make lite work. Are you going to lend a hand or are you going to
stand on the sidelines and tell us how we are screwing up. If it is going
to be the latter please go away, we have more than our fair share of Monday
morning quarterbacks.


Josef Grosch           | Another day closer to a | FreeBSD 6.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Micro$oft free world  | Berkeley, Ca.

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