Hello Ross,

FreeBSD as a gateway is very easy and simple to setup, but a very small mistake could
 stop your box from acting as a gateway,

 Please send the follow :
 the output of #ifconfg -a

2) output of #uname -a

3) copy of rc.conf file

4) Whats the lines you have changed in your kernel ?

you wrote
"no packets seem to be getting through"
do you mean your freebsd having an Internet but not giving clients and not acting as a gateway?

Marwan Sultan.

"Ross Penner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've configured my freebsd computer to be the gateway for my home network > using the guidelines in the handbook. All the required kernel options are > enabled and the entries in /etc/rc.conf have been added. I'm unsure what the > problem could be and I'm hoping somebody can give me some advice on where to
> look to diagnose this issue.
> the bind9 server is functioning correctly as I'm able to resolve IP address,
> but no packets seem to be getting through.

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