On Friday 12 January 2007 10:48, Lamont Granquist wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 08:52:44AM -0500, Nathan Vidican wrote:
> >> Gotcha all beat, screw the 'standard user' issue... I had a client call
> >> me once cause the office cat peed onto/into the server; no technical
> >> expertise required whatsoever, no password, no re-wiring of network,
> >> heck no opposable digits even or anything else for that matter, yet it
> >> still managed to kill the server ;)
> >
> > That cat is rather fortunate the server didn't kill the cat at the same
> > time.
> I haven't lived with a cat in awhile, but don't they tend to 'spray'
> rather than 'stream' so that a direct line of current would not be
> established from the PSU to the cat?

While spray(8) may protect the cat, it is likely to invoke crash(8). When 
combined with dumpon(8) permanent damage may result. :-)

Beech Rintoul - Sys. Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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