linux quest wrote:
Dear Jay & The FreeBSD Communities,

Thanks for putting your time and patience to help me out. Anyway, I tried it 
out, both changing the rc.conf and the dhclient.conf (one at a time). After 
that (for both of the ways), I did manage to stop the resolv.conf from being 
overwritten after the PC reboot. However, when I ping or, the error msg says that there is no route to both of the IP. Even 
after I add the default route by using command line ... I am still unable to 

Then, I undo everything by using VMWare... (including undo the DHCP configuration in rc.conf) so that I am able to ping again.
Since, I desperately needed to connect to the Internet at this point of time, I create a 
file called resolv.conf in /root ... I am thinking how can I create a script so that it 
can copy resolv.conf from /root to /etc/resolv.conf every 30 minutes at start up - This 
is because I don't wanna manually type in "cp /root/resolv.conf 
/etc/resolv.conf" every 30 minutes.

Hope somebody can share with me the simple coding. Thanks :)

Linux Quest

Jay Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Please don't top-post.

linux quest wrote:
Dear Jay,

Actually, I am running FreeBSD Unix on a VMWare machine (Host OS: Win2003, Guest OS: FreeBSD).

Any ideas how I can disable / ignore the routing from the VMnet8? Below are the only VMWare NAT configuration that I have access to. No DHCP enable / disable option.

Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet8:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

When I install FreeBSD, I remember I did select some option to enable DHCP. Perhaps, I should disable the DHCP service in FreeBSD(Guest OS) - if so, any idea how do I do it?

Thanks :)

Linux Quest

Simple enough, then. Edit /etc/rc.conf, and remove the line relating to the dhcp client. Then add:
ifconfig_em0="inet 192.168.52.WHATEVERYOUWANT  netmask"


DHCP intends that everything works easily. However, if the DHCP lease is unsatisfactory, you can change it after doing man dhclient.conf. Can you post /var/db/dhclient.leases? Also, in one shell type "tcpdump -v -c 20" and in another do ping or click a web page. Finally, "netstat -r"


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