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ajm wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 11:16:54PM -0800, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> ajm wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:42:15PM -0800, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>>>> ajm wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 12:27:10AM +0100, Tore Lund wrote:
>>>>>>>> Andrew Gould wrote:
>>>>>>>>> [snip]
>>>>>>> this is from a previous message in the thread:
>>>>>>>> attempt:  mount -tmsdos -orw /dev/da0s1 /mnt/ws310
>>>>>>> try as root or su to root
>>>>>>> # mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/ws310
>>>> Interestingly enough I tried out these steps as root to see if I could
>>>> resimulate this with my camera and I ended up with the same results.
>>>> Only by trying to mount the camera as root could I succeed.
>>>> Does anyone have a FAT16/FAT32 drive properly mounting under FreeBSD as
>>>> a non-root user? If so, did you modify /dev, /etc/devfs.conf, or are you
>>>> using amd(8)?
>>>> -Garrett
>>>> Take a look at   sudoers(5)   and   visudo(8)
>>>> I use sudo to mount my mass storage compliant devices with the 
>>>> following command as regular user:
>>>> for my mp3 player
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo mount_msdosfs /dev/da?s1 /usr/home/ajm/mnt/mp3player
>>>> for my camera
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo mount_msdosfs /dev/da?s1 /usr/home/ajm/mnt/kodak
>>>> for a memory card reader
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo mount_msdosfs /dev/da?s1 
>>>> /usr/home/ajm/mnt/card_reader
>>>> Just make sure you change the  ?  to an actual device number.
>>>> You do need to create the /mnt directories in your own home directory 
>>>> so that you can read and write to those devices as a regular user.
>>>> Also use sudo to un mount the device:
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo umount_msdosfs /dev/da?s1
>>>> NOTE: I did not change anything in the /etc/devfs.conf or am I using 
>>>> amd(8).
> That's not an absolute solution though, because it should work as a
> regular user (maybe with a bit of fenaggling). Besides, installing sudo
> is a security risk anyhow..
> -Garrett
> Sudo...security risk???  It depends on how you set it up.  This is my 
> setup:

> See man visudo for a description of Defaults section...

> # Defaults specification
> Defaults env_reset
> Defaults timestamp_timeout=0
> Defaults tty_tickets
> Defaults requiretty
> Defaults passwd_timeout=1

> # User privilege specification
> root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> wtck57  ALL=/sbin/shutdown,/sbin/mount,/sbin/umount,\
> /sbin/mount_msdosfs

> # Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
> # %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL

> # Same thing without a password
> # %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

> As you can see I can only run certain commands from sudo...

Last time I checked though, the FreeBSD Security group warned against
using it (you know.. the warning message after installing some ports).
But that was some time ago when I last used that command..

I dunno. su serves its purpose well enough and it's a rock solid
command. If there's a problem with su there's a problem with the
login/password storage mechanism, like there would be with sudo.

I admit that your setup does look secure though. Cheers on that.
- -Garrett
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