Warren Head wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get write access on a nfs share.
> As far as I can tell by reading around, this should be the syntax in the
> exports file:
> /maptoshare    machinetoshareto(rw)
hmm man exports suggests examples such as
           /usr /usr/local -maproot=0:10 friends
           /usr -maproot=daemon grumpy.cis.uoguelph.ca
           /usr -ro -mapall=nobody
           /u -maproot=bin: -network 131.104.48 -mask
           /u2 -maproot=root friends
           /u2 -alldirs -network cis-net -mask cis-mask
           /cdrom -alldirs,quiet,ro -network -mask

so not sure where you got that from.

> When I -HUP mountd though, it tells me that the line in the exports file is
> wrong.
> So I change it into this:
> /maptoshare    machinetoshareto
> and then all is fine. I can mount it as well, but I don't have writing
> access, only reading.
Shoudl be rw by default. who doesnt have writing access? are the unix
permissions on both sides correct, if its an issue with root not being
able to write, the manpage says:

In the absence of -maproot and -mapall options, remote accesses by root
     will result in using a credential of -2:-2.  All other users will be
     mapped to their remote credential.  If a -maproot option is given,
     access by root will be mapped to that credential instead of -2:-2.
 If a
     -mapall option is given, all users (including root) will be mapped to
     that credential in place of their own.

Hope this helps, sorry for the RTFM but is a cliche for a reason :)


> How should I specify the (rw) part?
> Thanks,
> Warren
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