On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 09:56:22PM -0500, Glenn Sieb wrote:
> I said...
> > Since I tend to build my own boxes, I'd like to make sure my choice of
> > CPU/MB is good fro FBSD before I buy :-)
> > 
> > I'm looking at an AMD X2 64 5400 and an Abit AN9 32X.
> > 
> > The AN9 has:
> > 
> > NVIDIA nForce SPP 190/nForce 590 SLI MCP
> > Dual NV Gigabit LAN

The nve(4) driver supports the following chipsets:
     o   nForce
     o   nForce2
     o   nForce3
     o   nForce4

It doesn't look like nForce5 is supported yet.

> > 6x SATA 3gb/s ports with RAID 0/1/0+1/5 JBOD support
> > (plus 2x SATA ports non-RAID)

The ata(4) driver supports the following chipsets:
    nVidia:         nForce, nForce2, nForce2 MCP, nForce3, nForce3 MCP,
                     nForce3 Pro, nForce4.

No nForce5 here either. 

> > I know that NVIDIA chipsets (at least used to) require separate
> > downloads of the chipset drivers. Is this still the case?

According to nve(4):

     This driver is a reimplementation of the NVIDIA supported Linux nvnet
     driver and uses the same closed source API library to access the underly-
     ing hardware.  There is currently no programming documentation available
     for this device, and therefore little is known about the internal archi-
     tecture of the MAC engine itself.

> > I've been using Abit MBs for years now, but I'm not necessarily tied to
> > them, if there are better suggestions from the list.

Looks like you'd better stick with a KN9 (nForce4) for now.

Asus has the M2V-MX with VIA chipset that looks OK. Not sure about the
Realtek RTL8100C ethernet chip though. Same goes for the MSI K9VGM-V. It has
a RTL8201 ethernet chip.

I've never had trouble with MSI mobos with VIA chipsets. They might not be
the fastest, but generally everything works. AMD chipsets are fine as well.


R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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