
I am backing up 5 servers on one centralized machines using "rsnapshot" It is doing a perfect job, including :

--> SSH transport.
--> Rsync based.
--> Incremental backup.

As It uses a symlink strategy, It does not use very much space on the backup device.

It is in the ports /usr/ports/sysutil/rsnapshot and described as :

rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync(1).
rsnapshot makes it easy to make periodic snapshots of local machines,
and remote machines over ssh. The code makes extensive use of hard links
whenever possible, to greatly reduce the disk space required.

It is written entirely in perl with no module dependencies, and has been
tested with versions 5.004 through 5.8.1.

WWW:    http://www.rsnapshot.org


I am backing up 2To of data, with a daily flow of 20 to 100 Go.
The first backup is quite long - after it's a matter of hours (1 or 2 max).

In order to fully automate the process, I have created an ssh key signature that allows me to access directly as root - if you would like more security, you could create a specific user… which will lead you to ownership problem, unless very well setup.

The main problem with mac would be to sync the specific MetaData files specific to the Mac. I don't think these are synced in my backup. This is only a problem if your users are not naming their files with the right extension (.doc, .pdf, …).

If you are syncing OSX 10.4 use the Apple provided rsync and not any other (more steady).

The main piece if to configure rsnapshot.conf && cron

# Cron #

0 3 * * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 /usr/bin/rsnapshot daily;
0 4 1 * * /usr/bin/rsnapshot monthly;

# rsnapshot.conf - rsnapshot configuration file #
#                                               #
#                                               #
# This file requires tabs between elements      #
#                                               #
# Directories require a trailing slash:         #
#   right: /home/                               #
#   wrong: /home                                #
#                                               #


config_version  1.2


# All snapshots will be stored under this root directory.
#snapshot_root  /var/cache/rsnapshot/
snapshot_root   /home/snapshot/

# If no_create_root is enabled, rsnapshot will not automatically create the # snapshot_root directory. This is particularly useful if you are backing
# up to removable media, such as a FireWire drive.
#no_create_root 1


# LINUX USERS: Be sure to uncomment "cmd_cp". This gives you extra features.
# EVERYONE ELSE: Leave "cmd_cp" commented out for compatibility.
# See the README file or the man page for more details.
#cmd_cp         /bin/cp

# uncomment this to use the rm program instead of the built-in perl routine
cmd_rm          /bin/rm

# rsync must be enabled for anything to work.
cmd_rsync       /usr/bin/rsync

# Uncomment this to enable remote ssh backups over rsync.
cmd_ssh         /usr/bin/ssh

# Comment this out to disable syslog support.
cmd_logger      /usr/bin/logger

# Uncomment this to specify a path to "du" for disk usage checks.
cmd_du          /usr/bin/du

#           BACKUP INTERVALS            #
# Must be unique and in ascending order #
# i.e. hourly, daily, weekly, etc.      #

# The interval names (hourly, daily, ...) are just names and have no influence # on the length of the interval. The numbers set the number of snapshots to
# keep for each interval (hourly.0, hourly.1, ...).
# The length of the interval is set by the time between two executions of
# rsnapshot <interval name>, this is normally done via cron.
# Feel free to adopt the names, and the sample cron file under /etc/ cron.d/rsnapshot # to your needs. The only requirement is that the intervals must be listed
# in ascending order. To activate just uncomment the entries.

#interval       hourly  6
interval        daily   5
interval        monthly 1
#interval       monthly 6

#              GLOBAL OPTIONS              #
# All are optional, with sensible defaults #

# If your version of rsync supports --link-dest, you should enable this.
# This is the best way to support special files (FIFOs, etc) cross- platform.
# The default is 0 (off).
# In Debian GNU cp is available which is superior to link_dest, so it should be
# commented out (disabled).
link_dest       1

# Verbose level, 1 through 5.
# 1     Quiet           Print fatal errors only
# 2     Default         Print errors and warnings only
# 3     Verbose         Show equivalent shell commands being executed
# 4     Extra Verbose   Show extra verbose information
# 5     Debug mode      More than you care to know
verbose         3

# Same as "verbose" above, but controls the amount of data sent to the
# logfile, if one is being used. The default is 3.
loglevel        3

# If you enable this, data will be written to the file you specify. The
# amount of data written is controlled by the "loglevel" parameter.
logfile /var/log/rsnapshot.log

# The include and exclude parameters, if enabled, simply get passed directly # to rsync. If you have multiple include/exclude patterns, put each one on a # seperate line. Please look up the --include and --exclude options in the
# rsync man page for more details.
#include        ???
#include        ???
#exclude        ???
#exclude        ???

# The include_file and exclude_file parameters, if enabled, simply get
# passed directly to rsync. Please look up the --include-from and
# --exclude-from options in the rsync man page for more details.
#include_file   /path/to/include/file
#exclude_file   /path/to/exclude/file

# Default rsync args. All rsync commands have at least these options set.
#rsync_short_args       -avz
#rsync_long_args        --delete --numeric-ids

# ssh has no args passed by default, but you can specify some here.
#ssh_args       -p 22

# If this is enabled, rsync won't span filesystem partitions within a
# backup point. This essentially passes the -x option to rsync.
# The default is 0 (off).
#one_fs         0
# If you enable the lockfile, make sure the lockfile directory is
# not world writable. Otherwise anyone can prevent the program from running.
lockfile        /var/run/rsnapshot.pid


#backup /home/          localhost/home/
#backup /etc/           localhost/etc/
#backup /usr/local/     localhost/usr/local/
#backup /etc/passwd     localhost/etc/passwd
#backup /home/foo/My Documents/         localhost/home/foo/My Documents/
#backup /foo/bar/ localhost/foo/bar/ one_fs=1, rsync_short_args=-urltvpog #backup_script /usr/local/bin/backup_pgsql.sh localhost/ postgres/

# for these backup points you will need ssh installed on the
# local machine as well as on the remote host
#backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/ example.com/home/
#backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/  example.com/home/
#backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pac/Partage_Libre/ libre/ rsync_short_args=-avz #backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pac/Partage_Prod/ prod/ rsync_short_args=-avz #backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pac/Partage_Art/ art/ rsync_short_args=-avz #backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pac/Partage_Edito/ editors/ rsync_short_args=-avz

backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/RAID/Partage\ Libre/ superx/libre/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/RAID/Partage\ Artistique/ superx/art/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/RAID/Partage\ Editors/ superx/editors/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/RAID/Partage\ Prod/ superx/prod/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/RAID/Partage\ Devis/ superx/devis/ rsync_short_args=-avz

backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc newmail/etc/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/named newmail/varnamed/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/etc newmail/ localetc/ rsync_short_args=-avz

backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ tsuna/etc/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/etc/ tsuna/localetc/ rsync_short_args=-avz backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/data/ tsuna/data/ rsync_short_args=-avz
backup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/named/  tsuna/  rsync_short_args=-avz

backup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/        fiesta/ rsync_short_args=-avz
backup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/etc/ fiesta/ rsync_short_args=-avz
backup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/named/  fiesta/ rsync_short_args=-avz
backup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/www/        fiesta/ rsync_short_args=-avz

backup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/www/     bigbiz/www/     rsync_short_args=-avz

#backup_script /usr/local/bin/backup_rsnapshot_cvsroot.sh cvs.sourceforge.net/

#backup rsync://rsync.samba.org/rsyncftp/ rsync.samba.org/ rsyncftp/

Le 26 janv. 07 à 22:10, Gable Barber a écrit :

Hello all,
I have been poking around the 'Net a bit looking for an easy to use
backup solution for our Mac's (1 mini, 1 powerbook, more in the

Basically there is a server, offsite (FBSD 6.2) with 2 RAID 5 arrays.
I would like to be able to set the 2 (for now) clients to
automatically, incrementally backup certain directories, nightly.
Something encrypted would be nice aswell.

This one looks interesting to me:


If anyone has used an open source solution for this , I would
genuinely appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks in advance -

Gable Barber
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