On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Jim Freeze wrote:

> Hi:
> I got an interesting log report today.
> Has anyone seen such messages lately?
> Jan 14 12:59:52 rabbit /kernel: ipfw: limit 100 reached on entry 64000
> Jan 14 17:39:13 rabbit ftpd[1502]: ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN REFUSED FROM
>   p5089A961.dip.t-dialin.net
> Jan 14 17:39:13 rabbit ftpd[1503]: ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN REFUSED FROM
>   p5089A961.dip.t-dialin.net
> Jan 15 12:15:21 rabbit sm-mta[3937]: h0FHFIJI003936: Truncated MIME
>   Content-Disposition header due to
>  field size (length = 25) (possible attack)
> Jan 15 17:33:03 rabbit ftpd[4434]: ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN REFUSED FROM
>  pD9E60C0F.dip.t-dialin.net
> Jan 15 17:33:04 rabbit ftpd[4435]: ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN REFUSED FROM
>  pD9E60C0F.dip.t-dialin.net
> Jan 15 23:59:48 rabbit sm-mta[5210]: h0G4xkJI005209: Truncated MIME
>  Content-Disposition header due to
>   field size (length = 22) (possible attack)
Now, I don't know if this is something serious, but I can tell
you the "attacker" is a client of the german Telekom. Since you
know the exact date and time of these events and Telekom has her
own logs, he can be identified, if something serious happens.


> --
> Jim Freeze
> ----------
> "It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland, either."
>               -- Kevin White, mayor of Boston
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*        Peter Ulrich Kruppa        *
*          -  Wuppertal -           *
*              Germany              *

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