On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 12:00:09PM +0100, Ewald Jenisch wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running into a problem configuring my syslogd in order to accept
> messages from Routers (Cisco).
> Here's what I did in my syslog.conf:
> local7.*                /var/log/cisco-syslog


A couple of hours after my original question I found out an
interesting point: When running syslogd with the "-d" (debug-flag)
messages get written into the file configured in /etc/syslog.conf -
when running without the debug-flag nothing gets written.

To be specific:

With the above syslog.conf entry and /etc/rc.conf containting
'syslogd_flags="-d"' I get the following output on the console:

logmsg: pri 275, flags 0, from switch1-1, msg 1390: Feb 6 13:59:40
MET: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by ej1 on vty0
( Logging to FILE /var/log/cisco-syslog

Sure enough this log message is in the cisco-syslog file.

As soon as I turn off debug in syslog (i.e. running without the "-d"
flag) nothing gets written to the cisco-syslog file.

Why are messages only written to the file when running syslogd in
debug mode??

TIA for any clue,

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