Thanks a lot, Our current backup system is veritas netbackup,  and changing
that to entire bacula is best thing for me,

May I ask why you would prefer Bacula over NetBackup? I'm just
curious, because having worked with both, I personally prefer

so they wanted me encrypt these files,  that is on the backup location
before the netbackup scheduler picks up these files.

Database is getting backed up to a disk location and from there netbackup
agent picks up and writes it into the tape , but we have these 13 flat files
that go into offsite which really needs encryption and decryption logic in
place upon   after restore back to disk .

If those databases are all Oracle instances, then you might want to
take a look at Oracle Secure Backup. It does exactly what you need.

More info here:


David Robillard
UNIX systems administrator & Oracle DBA
CISSP, RHCE & Sun Certified Security Administrator
Montreal: +1 514 966 0122
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