On 2/6/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Le Mardi 6 Février 2007 17:45, Andrew Pantyukhin a écrit:
> On 2/7/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a 6.2 box on which I intend to set up a web server
> > (lighttpd) and a file server (samba).  The kicker is that I will
> > need to allow for French characters (é, à, ç, etc).  I had such an
> > issue before but only managed to solve it at the X level (via
> > xorg.conf).  Now I need to solve it at the console level.
> >
> > The Handbook has a lot of ideas but it seems focused on a per user
> > basis instead of on a system level basis.  Then again, maybe I just
> > don't understand what its trying to say.
> >
> > I would also need to toggle back and forth between English and
> > French.
> >
> > Thanks in advance to any responders,
> Are you sure about the console level? If you plan
> to access the server via ssh, you only need to
> set server-side locale right, the rest is handled
> at the client side.

I assume by server-side you mean within samba and lighttpd.  Yes, as
long as these two can output the characters then I'm happy.  I just
copied the first paragraph of my posting into lighttpd and this is what
came back in my browser:

I have a 6.2 box on which I intend to set up a web server (lighttpd) and
a file server (samba). The kicker is that I will need to allow for
French characters (Ã(c),ç, etc). I had such an issue before but only
managed to solve it at the X level (via xorg.conf). Now I need to
solve it at the console level.
I would check to see what charset lighttpd is serving the file as and
what charset your browser is using (and then just set everything to
utf8) and make sure they are all correct.

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