On 06/02/07, Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:58:06PM -0500, Don Munyak wrote:

> How can I edit rc.conf while in single user mode. I've tried vi & ee,
> but system doesn't recognize either.

It is probably not in your limited path in single user or not
in a mounted partition.

You may have to mount the partition containing 'vi', probably /usr.

While in single user, do:
  fsck -p
  mount -u /
  mount -a
  swapon -a

Then you should be able to use vi as:

  /usr/bin/vi /etc/rc.conf

using the full path for vi skips over putting it in your path.
Make your fix and reboot.

knowing ed (red or sed) can be a useful skill,
as it resides in /bin, thus being useful in other
situations (/usr buggered (which I know never
hap'ns in real life))

although dealing with / and " in sed can be a bit
of a chore, practise will not hurt

and if it is nothing terrifically important that
was mauled (syslogd can be started from the
command line, for instance) ^D in single user
mode will go ahead and finish the boot to multi-

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