>  {objcopy) /usr : filesystem full
>  The only thing I can think of is to simply # rm /usr/ports ... for
>  lack of a better example.
>  # du -ak /usr |sort -nr | > /tmp/file2.txt
>  This file had 24,000 lines so I deleted much of the file.
>  Your thoughts/suggestions will be much appreciated.

        1) make the above:

        du -k | sort -nr | head -n 30

        Whatever's causing your problem is likely to reveal itself in
the list of the 30 largest directories.

>  Filesystem  1M-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
>  /dev/ad0s1a       495   55   400    12%    /
>  devfs               0    0     0   100%    /dev
>  /dev/ad0s1e       495   10   445     2%    /tmp
>  /dev/ad0s1f      2300 2286  -170   108%    /usr

        2) Depending on your installation, 2gb is _small_ for /usr.  IF
that's what you have, then you need to be ruthlessly pro-active
about purging unneeded files.
        Start by running the command above as a cron job once a day;
mail yourself the output.

        3) As others mentioned, "rm -r /usr/obj/*" before "make
buildworld".  On my system, it takes up 863 mb.

        4)a Install ports-mgt/portupgrade.
          b run "/usr/local/sbin/portsclean -CDD"

                                        Robert Huff
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