please use send-pr and include a dmesg output with debugging turned on,
and exact model of motherboard and bios revision.

questions isn't for bugs.  I don't mean to be rude but you won't get the
problem fixed by bitching about it on this mailing list.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven H. Baeighkley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject: serious performance problems with 6.2 Release

> Greetings,
> We are having some bizarre performance problems on a freshly installed
> 6.2 Release server. This is a supermicro superserver 6022c dual 2.0 Xeon
> with 2GB RAM. These CPUs do support hyperthreading. We have done
> significant testing with both hyperthreading turned on and off in the
> bios and in the OS, to no avail.
> The server is configured as a web server with apache 2.2.4 php 5.2.0 and
> ZendOptimizer. We are running proftpd 1.3.1rc1 and perl 5.8.8. We have
> another server running 4.11 with the same exact hardware and software
> versions. We have updated to the newest bios that Supermicro provides.
> The trouble is that the 6.2 box performs significantly worse than the
> 4.11 server. The load on the 6.2 server is regularly between 2.0 and
> 6.0. The load on the 4.11 server is between .57 and 1 despite often
> servicing more connections.
> We began this process to upgrade into the 6 tree because 4 is EOL. We
> kept the old 4.11 drive from this machine and when replacing it into the
> box performance is excellent just like our other 4.11 box. We have tired
> multiple tuning variables as recommended by both FreeBSD and apache and
> tried the recommendations in the 6.2 errata as well. The 6.2 errata
> states that kern.ipc.nmbclusters="0" will help the kernel memory
> allocator properly deal with high network traffic. We tried this and
> initially thought that the box was showing wonderful performance, but
> then we realized that the box was not allowing much network access at
> all. A single ssh and proftpd connection were all it would accept.
> Apache wouldn't even start giving a MaxClients error. Removing this
> option returned it to functional though poor performance mode. Are we
> missing something with how to use this variable? IS this expected
> This particular hardware does display some oddities on both machines,
> running either 6.2 or 4.11. We know that FreeBSD has hyperthreading
> turned off by default. We have done some additional testing with
> hyperthreading turned on in the OS, but we wish for it to remain off due
> to security concerns. If we disable hyperthreading in the bios and have
> it disabled in the OS then FreeBSD sees one physical and one logical
> processor (from dmesg) and only uses processor 0. If we enable
> hyperthreading in the bios and leave it disabled in the OS it will show
> 4 CPUs but only use 0 and 2. Top will show that there is 50% idle CPU
> despite the fact that the box is 100% loaded, CPU 1 and 3 are idle. We
> would expect that FreeBSD would not see logical processors when
> hyperthreading was disabled in either the BIOS or the OS. This may just
> be a communication problem between the BIOS and FreeBSD, but we don't
> see this behavior on other supermicro servers with hyperthreading.
> VMSTAT, NETSTAT, NFSSTAT and FSTAT show similar numbers between both
> servers, certainly nothing that would explain why a single httpd process
> requires 20% of a CPU on the 6.2 box and only 5-7% on the 4.11, but we
> could easily be missing something.  We suspected NFS or disk
> bottlenecks, but ran IOZONE tests and found that the 6.2 box is actually
> having better performance on nfs and disk access. We are running a
> slightly customized SMP kernel with device polling enabled. The only
> bottleneck apears to be CPU usage, which works fine on 4.11.
>  From what we've read we should not be seeing these performance problems
> with 6.2. So what are we missing? We assume its something stupid that
> will fix this problem quickly and easily, but so far, despite all the
> resources, we have been unable to find a problem with enough in common
> with our own to suggest possible solutions.
> Please Help.
> thanks
> Steve B
> -- 
> ---
> Steven H. Baeighkley - Systems Administrator
> Front Range Internet, Inc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (970) 212-0756
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