
        I hope there are some kde or gnome wizards around to give me a
        few clues about tuning my gnome|kde- lite window managers.  So far
        I have the regular gnome2 and KDE3 desktops going on my test box
        quite well.  kde at least gives users the opportunity to set the
        level of eye-candy from low to high.  I have not seen anything
        equivalent for gnome.  How do I test gnome2-lite and kde-lite?
        I've found startkde, but no startkdelite.  I've found the
        gnome-session binary, but no gnomelite-session.

        If I need kde|gnome2- lite.desktop files, please clue me in.
        Otherwise,  how do I instiantiate these lite flavor desktops?

        thanks much,


  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public Service Unix

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