Drew Jenkins wrote:
Will this help?

$ ifconfig vr0
And on a Windows Laptop:

C:\> more c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Yes, that is a start. I added the domain "mercury.com" (a site
> I never visit) and pointed it to, the IP address
given from the above. I also updated pound to use that
> address, and was able to get the pound daemon running.

However, I cannot surf to either mercury.com or the IP address. When I run this 
nmap localhost
I discover that no Web ports are open: neither 80, nor 8080 (Zope), whose daemon is running. nmap doesn't return any ports, stating it seems the host is down. nmap
the other address returned from your ifconfig command, gives the same ports as 
above. Please advise.

Note that "vr0" is simply one interface on *my* machine. You should use "ifconfig" with no arguments to see all interfaces on the FBSD box, and it's probably not PLIP, Loopback, PPP, etc. that you're interested in.

Use "netstat -anf inet" on the server and see if port 80 or 8080 is "LISTENING", and on what address. If the server is LISTENING on the FBSD box on the correct ports, but nmap doesn't show it, then I would assume a firewall problem, but I'm not "on the ground" there. If you do see a LISTENING entry, use that interface (assuming it's Ethernet and one that it accessible from your laptop) as the entry in the laptop's hosts file. is a broadcast address and should not be used for the configuration of a webserver (is that what "pound daemon" is? Think so, can't remember previous mail at this point).



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