I need to resize my root partition to prepare for 5.0 which requires 30M
of free space.

Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s4a    61M    40M    16M    71%    /
/dev/ad0s4d   1.3G   788M   480M    62%    /opt
/dev/ad0s4h   2.1G   430M   1.6G    21%    /home
/dev/ad0s4e   244M    20M   205M     9%    /tmp
/dev/ad0s4g   2.4G   946M   1.3G    42%    /usr
/dev/ad0s4f    61M    15M    41M    27%    /var

My BSD slice layout will enable me to steal space for root from swap & 

I am also considering using this as an excuse to change /usr, currently 
I have /usr/obj & /usr/src linked to directories on /opt.

I am fishing for wisdom on the worth of breaking up /usr.  Directories
I've considered moving around are:

158M    /usr/X11R6
 91M    /usr/compat
546M    /usr/local

299M    /usr/src/
 27M    /usr/obj/


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