On Tuesday 20 February 2007 10:05, Sten Daniel Soersdal wrote:

> Perhaps it is possible to reduce / to ~128 mb? boot up and see

Right now, I'm running slackware, but if I remember correctly, the / partition 
contained about 40 to 60 Mb or data.

> estimate that you need several mb free and estimate double of
> /boot/kernel directory (if you install new kernel you get to keep the
> old one, therefore estimate double that directory size).
> Swap ... well for a successful crash dump you need as much as swap as
> you have memory.

I have 312Mb of usable RAM, so I made the swap around double that.

> /var can be further reduced to perhaps 512mb or perhaps even less?

I wasn't sure how much I'd need in /var, so I didn't want to undersize it too 
much. But, I don't spool large print jobs, and I set the logs to be trimmed 
> Just a (cluttered) suggestion.
> The cool part about FreeBSD is what you can get away with, just by
> symlinking (ln -s) a few folders here and there. After all, it's just
> your desktop, right?

Agreed. I'm just experimenting and learning at this point. Thanks for the 
suggestions, Sten.


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