
> > Is it possible to build sun-jdk-1.5 from the source code?
> > If yes, how to do that?
> >
> > To be honest, I would like to avoid to install a binary that requires
> > Linux support packages. It's not that I do not like Linux (I have 3
> > Gentoo Linux at my disposal), it's simply that my machine is a FreeBSD
> > machine and I would like to keep it as simple as possible.
> Your best bet in that case would be to install the diablo package from
> http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/downloads/java.shtml (for me the 6.1
> package works fine on 6.2 and i've seen posts from other people saying
> the same.) Then install the sun jdk port, which can use the diablo
> package to build. You can then deinstall the diablo jdk.

That's exactly what I did and it worked flawlessly. Thanks all of you for the 
help. ;) 

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