
I'm trying to get the ethernet address and from the manuals i understand that i need the ifreq structure for this. So i'm trying to request SIOCGIFMAC with ioctl on a socket of type SOCK_DGRAM.

Now i couldn't figure out from the manuals which format but i've tried PF_LOCAL, PF_INET and AF_INET. With PF_LOCAL i get the error "Operation not supported" from ioctl but with AF_INET or PF_INET i get "Invalid argument".

This is a snippet of code that i use to get the ethernet address. Earlier code has already verified the char *ifname which contains the interface name.

    int if_socket;
    struct ifreq ifr;

    memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));

    if((if_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
        perror("socket: ");

    if(ioctl(if_socket, SIOCGIFMAC, &ifr) < 0) {
        perror("ioctl: SIOCGIFMAC: ");

I know the rest of the code works fine because this is something i'm adding to a working program. Also it's obviously stopping at the ioctl since i get the error "ioctl: SIOCGIFMAC: : Invalid argument".

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Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal
[Swehack] http://swehack.se
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