On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 07:45:28PM -0500, John Bleichert wrote:
> Hello All
> Just for yucks I tried to upgrade a 4.7 box to 5.0 via cvsup/buildworld. 
> It's been, erm, less than successful. Is this possible? Is it documented? 
> I'm sure it is, but I can't find it. Can someone give me a pointer? The 
> Handbook still has the 4.7 build instructions.

Heh--I bet ya got lazy and didn't look at UPDATING.  There's a few things that
will have to be done, fairly well covered there, such as copying device.hints to
/boot, and some kind of make install while in /boot (I've forgotten as I did 
this awhile back and am, at present, too lazy to look myself.)

Seriously, take a good look towards the bottom of /usr/src/UPDATING and look at
the instructions for upgrading.  Also, take them seriously when they say (somewhere
else, possibly the early deployment guide) don't use the shortcuts that you 
are used to using. 

Scott Robbins

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Giles:  Demons after money.  Whatever happened to the still-beating
heart of a virgin?  No one has any standards anymore.

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