On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 06:33:54AM -0800, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> Jordan Gordeev wrote:
> >Gary Kline wrote:
> >>    I'm not sure whether this just in Ubuntu or in the Gnome desktop
> >>    servers.  I thought I'd ask here before I dig into this.  I think
> >>    a new xterm was recently updated in ports; not  sure if tat is a
> >>    factor or not.

no (I don't recall making changes in that area).

> >See stty(1) and termios(4). You should modify the erase or erase2 values.

reasonable (Ubuntu uses Debian packages iirc, which makes it use DEL,
FreeBSD uses BS for erase, etc).
> The terminal settings available from gnome (if you open up an xterm / 
> Gnome terminal shell using the Terminal command under the menu) has 

gnome-terminal isn't xterm (OP isn't making that distinction either).

xterm has menu settings which can change the assignment of BS/DEL to the
"backspace" key (unlike gnome-terminal, it has a manpage describing these
details ;-).

Thomas E. Dickey

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