On Thursday 01 March 2007 13:21, Beech Rintoul said:
> On Thursday 01 March 2007 12:36, Sam Jones said:
> > I'm having a little problem trying to dual boot. I have two SATA
> > hard drives, the first one with FreeBSD and the second with
> > Windows XP. I installed the FreeBSD boot manager on the first
> > drive, and when the computer boots, it displays:
> >
> > F1  FreeBSD
> > F5  Drive 1
> >
> > When I press F5, FreeBSD loads and not Windows. I know Windows is
> > working because when I disconnect the first drive, Windows boots
> > from the second just fine. I've tried using boot0cfg to reload
> > the boot manager, but that doesn't help. The simplest thing to do
> > would be to specify that F5 boots Windows, but I can't find
> > anything.
> >
> > Is this configuration even possible? Or does Windows just make it
> > impossible to boot from the second disk?
> You need to switch your drives around and setup accordingly.
> Windows (at least in my experience) will not boot from anything but
> the first drive.

I should also mention that you need the FreeBSD boot manager on both 
disks, or an alternative boot manager such as grub or gag. Read the 

> Beech

Beech Rintoul - Port Maintainer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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