make config

Never you mind wrote:

On 02/03/2007, at 2:58 AM, John Nielsen wrote:

On Thursday 01 March 2007 01:37, Never you mind wrote:
On my Mac from the Finder I can select "Connect to server", give it the
details of an ftp location and it will connect and display the ftp
space as a drive on the desktop.

Can I obtain the same sort of functionality using freeBSD and xfce
desktop manager?

I haven't used it, but the sysutils/fusefs-curlftpfs should allow you to mount an ftp location as a virtual filesystem. The desktop icon thing you'll have
to work out on your own, but it shouldn't be too difficult (a shortcut to
your chosen mountpoint should suffice).

I've just made an error during installation. At the dialog I selected BOTH c-ares and IPV6.

That caused an error:

curl-7.16.0_1  does not support both c-ares and IPv6 - disable one of them.

OK. I thought I'd simply run "make install clean" again and at the dialog I would make my selection. However, I do not get to the dialog. My choices have been saved somewhere and are being re-used. I need to clean up from my first effort. What do I need to do to wipe the slate clean?


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