On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 10:35:57AM -0500, Chris Slothouber wrote:
> Mike Jakubik wrote:
> >Daniel Mouritsen wrote:
> >You don't need the developer packages to compile or use the ports. I 
> >would recommend you choose the basic user option instead.
> >
> >>Also, i was wondering, i tried playing around with portsnap, but dear 
> >>lord
> >>it was slow :D I tried googling for European mirrors close to me, but i
> >>haven't had much success, any help with finding a faster portsnap server
> >>would be much appreciated
> >
> >You may want to try cvsup instead.
> net/cvsup-without-gui is probably the port you'd want to use.  Check out 

A rewrite in C of the cvsup program, called 'csup' is in the base system
in 6.2, so you don't really need this port.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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