On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 05:51:06PM -0400, Parv wrote:
> in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> wrote Jonathan Horne thusly...
> >
> ...
> > so far i have it built with 6.2-RELEASE-p2, and xorg up to the
> > minimal desktop.
> > 
> > id like to try to try something thats not gnome, or basically id
> > like to try some of the lesser known, but still just as functional
> > desktops.
> > 
> > can i get some recommendations, as well as what graphical mail
> > reader and web browser works best with your recommendation?
> I have been using FVWM 2 (-devel version) for quite a while. Tvtwm
> is the "emergency" wm when/if fvwm upgrade goes berserk or has not
> been installed yet.  The most interesting point is that windows are
> almost in the same place|state -- given same page layout  -- whilst
> switching between the two.  I think vtwm provides for more eye candy
> than tvtwm.
> I used Ion (pre-lua change) which did not disappoint; have not used
> current Ion version due to laziness about learning lua just to
> edit a configuration file.  It seemed most helpful in managing gimp
> windows.
> Opera is the web browser I use (over Firefox) mainly due the ease of
> assiging|using key bindings similar to vi or mutt.
> Mutt (-devel version) is the mail reader in xterm (unless I am in
> hurry, then mutt works just fine on console too for fast reading).
> Some of my configuration files ..
>   http://www103.pair.com/parv/comp/unix/cf/
>   http://www103.pair.com/parv/comp/unix/x/
>   - Parv

I use Opera and sometimes links for browsing.
My e-mails:  mutt, procmail, getmail, msmtp.
My environment is Fluxbox.  It's all about taste...try several, then 
decide what is best for you.

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