On Sat, 24 Mar 2007 16:37:58 -0800
Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>       Guys,
>       Can anybody suggest ascript means to rm -i a whole slew of
>       packages I am collection in /usr/ports/packages/All/?
>       On some of my i686's I have collected as many as three versions 
>       of some *tbz files.   Other than doing this by-hand on four
>       boxens, I'd have automate.  pkgdb -F will ask if the user wants
>       to delete (the earlier) of two packages with an [n].  I'd rather
>       not reinvent the wheel.  
>       (I *thought* I was nearly finished updating this machine;
>       suddenty I've got 50 new ones!! )
>       tia,
>       gary
> -- 
>   Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org  Public Service Unix

out of curiosity, whats stopping from 'rm -rf /usr/ports/*' , and pulling down 
a whole new ports tree?

otherwise, check into 'portsclean -C' and 'portsclean -D'.  the -D should do 
the trick for you, but the -C might also be of use to you too.

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