On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 09:45:09AM -0500, Stephen D. Kingrea wrote:
> running 4.7 with firewall, natd enabled kernel. i wish to create firewall
> rules outside of the rc.firewall script that remain static across
> reboots. to that end, i created a set (rc.firewall.rules), pointing
> rc.conf to that set:
> firewall_enable="YES"
> firewall_type="/etc/rc.firewall.rules"

You should change "firewall_type" to "firewall_script".  You should then
find all works as you want.

> natd_enable="YES".....etc....
> /etc/rc.firewall.rules lines are in the format:
> add 00100 all ip from any to any via lo0
> add 00200 deny ip from any to
> .......etc.....
> is this right? when i boot to these conditions, and ipfw show, i get
> the set that appears when i set firewall_type="OPEN"
> is this the proper format for rules in a static file?
> regards to all!
> stephen d. kingrea
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