I just upgraded Mozilla (1.1 to 1.2.1). In the 1.1, I had all the plugins working 
(java, plugger, and Shockwave). After upgrading via portupgrade (WITH_GTK2=yes), all 
plugins except java loaded fine. The results are the same for both of my 4.7-STABLE 
and 5.0-RELEASE computers. I tried symlinking (ln -sf), then just copying (cp). Same 
results. I saw that other people were able to upgrade with no problems. What did I do 
wrong or what do I need to do?
This is the text output of when I loaded the 1.2.1:
www% mozilla
No running window found.
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library 
[/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so: Undefined symbol 
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library 
/usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so [Cannot open 

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