Pieter de Goeje wrote:
On Wednesday 11 April 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way to clear a directory with such a command (keeping the owner
and permissions of the folder)?

Yes there are the obvious ones:
cd /home/me/another_dir && rm *
rm /home/me/another_dir/* // if cant traverse here

But something that doesn't rely on the shell.
cd /some/dir && find . -delete

Cheers, Pieter

Well, IMO, for aesthetical and logical purposes, /some/dir should point to the directory, and /some/dir/ should point to the inside of the directory (as in copy INTO or FROM). So:

# cp /one /two/ // this copies dir one into dir two, so there will be a dir named /one/two after this command

# cp /one/ /two/
==> Do you want to recursively overwrite contents of dir /two with the content of dir /one ? [n] y

# cp /one /two
==> Do you want to recursively overwrite /two with /one ? [n] y

# cp /one/ /two
cp: error - overwrite a dir with some other contents? WTF?

oh and of course:
rm -R /dir    // removes dir
rm -R /dir/    // clears dir

How hard will it be to convince the developers to swich to this scheme? since all scripts will have to be reworked...
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