"Andrew Falanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI,
> I was going through cvsup and portupgrade since I just got broadband into my
> home.  I had forgotten that some time ago I had already installed
> portupgrade and went to install it again.  I went to /usr/ports/sysutils/
> and found to my astonishment that the directory "portupgrade" no longer
> exists.  That's when I found out that I had already installed it at some
> time in the past by doing "which portupgrade".  The only reason I'm asking
> about this is because the portupgrade program complained that it couldn't
> change directory to the directory listed above.  So, I installed
> cvsup-without-gui and upgraded my ports collection (I actally did this
> before checking for portupgrade).
> So, how should I go about restoring that directory?

Read /usr/ports/UPDATING before doing ports maintenance in the future.

In this case, ports tools have moved to a new category in

Bill Moran
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