On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

> I just ran into a problem trying to install the 5.0 world. I thought I
> checked and had 30M free on / before I started this. However, after
> building, the world, building the kernel, installing the kernel, running
> mergemaster -p, I went to install the world and got the error 'out of
> space on /'
> I need to find some room, but I'm a little nervous about what I can rm.
> Here is what I'm looking at:
> 1)       / partition is 79M, 64M are used (I was almost sure there was
> more room than that on / before I satarted).
> 2)       /tmp is on it's own partition
> 3)       du -h on subdirectories breakdown like this.
>       a.       18M /boot
>       b.       1.4M /etc
>       c.       3.7M /kernel
>       d.       3.9M /kern.GENERIC
>       e.       6M /modules
>       f.         21M /sbin
>       g.       2.1M /stand
> as you can see that pretty much accounts for it. The rest of the stuff
> is pretty small.
> I need to know if I can delete any of this stuff and still successfully
> do a 'make installworld'?
> Thanks,
> Kirk
> Ps... sorry about cross posting (I wasn't sure if 5-release qualified
> for the stable list)

/boot is something you need to keep since the kernel and the kernel
modules have all been moved to /boot in 5.0
/etc should stay too
/modules can all be deleted since these are now in /boot
should stay

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