On Saturday 14 April 2007, Hangmn said:
> You group of elitist fucks...the unsub link is FUCKING USELESS
> On 4/14/07, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In response to Hangmn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > That's a powerfully effective method of getting things done.
> >
> > First off, the use of the word FUCKING is a well-known method to
> > convince people to come to your aid.  I believe it was Napoleon
> > who stated, "By inserting 'FUCKING' in front of every FUCKING
> > noun in every FUCKING sentence, I have managed to motivate my
> > FUCKING soldiers more so than any other FUCKING method I have
> > tried."
> >
> > Secondly, the use of all caps is known to be an efficient method
> > of getting
> > your point across.  Internet experts agree that mailing lists are
> > very loud, and the only way you're guaranteed to be heard is to
> > SHOUT all the time.  I'm glad you've caught on to this fine point
> > of netiquette.
> >
> > Thirdly, replying to an arbitrary message instead of taking the
> > time to contact the right people is a fabulously effective method
> > of getting things
> > done.  Obviously, the guy who sent this test message, as well as
> > others who read it are most likely to be the people who can
> > actually _do_ anything
> > about your problem.
> >
> > And lastly, leaving out all the details of your problem is
> > guaranteed to expedite the fix of your problem.  Obviously those
> > details, such as a copy of an offending message with fully
> > headers, or a list of the steps you've tried to take in
> > resolution of the problem, would only confused the technically
> > adept people who could actually research and fix your problem. 
> > Leaving them out is good practice.
> >
> > > On 4/11/07, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Please use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list for testing.  It
> > > > avoids spamming 1000s of inboxes with test messages.

This poster with advanced intelligence also found that none of gmail's 
spam tools had any effect on his problem. AOL would probably be his 
best choice.


Beech Rintoul - Port Maintainer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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