----- Original Message -----
From: "Giorgos Keramidas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gary Schenk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: newbie mail help

First, thanks to Mike, Giorgos, Scott and others for trying to help.

> On 2003-01-20 16:32, Gary Schenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am attempting to use Pine with fetchmail and sendmail over a cable
> > modem to my ISP.
> >
> > There is some basic setting that I am unaware of. I now can send
> > mail and newsgroup messages out over the internet, but the return
> > address is incorrect. It uses my pc account login ID, gschenk, as
> > the left side of my address instead of my ISP account name of
> > gwschenk. Where is this configured? It doesn't seem to be setup in
> > .pinerc or .fetchmailrc. Is it in sendmail somewhere?
> You should add (or mofidy appropriately) the following to your
> .pinerc file:
>     feature-list=allow-changing-from
>     default-composer-hdrs=From: Giorgos Keramidas
>     To:,
>     Cc:,
>     Bcc:,
>     Attchmnt:,
>     Subject:

Did that. When I send test mail Pine still gives the wrong return address.

> The allow-changing-from feature allows editing of the From: header for
> all outgoing messages when enabled, and the default-composer-hdrs sets
> some of the headers for your outgoing messages to reasonable defaults.

> > How do I know I have a port 25?
> > How do I know it is listening at port 25?
> Use sockstat(1).
> $ sockstat -l4 | grep :25
> root     sendmail   445   4  tcp4   *:25                  *:*

Yes, sendamil is listening on port 25.


Mike has suggested that Pine does not need fetchmail. That makes sense. In
the Pine man pages it says c-client is used to access mail severs. I cannot
find help for c-client. Nor do I find a place to tell Pine about my ISP's
pop3 server. In chapter 25 of FreeBSD Unleashed it states that fetchmail is
needed for mutt and Pine.

I chose to install Pine because I believed it to be a beginner's program. I
tried to setup Balsa, and no matter what I place in the settings preferences
I can't get it to work either. It seems a simple problem. I have mail on my
ISP's pop3 server. I want to retrieve it and  read it. "Get this there and
bring it here". It seems simple, but how do I tell FreeBSD to do this?

This is incredibly frustrating. Not just for me, I've gotten email from
another beginner who can't get his mail to work either. Perhaps this is a
question for the documentation project?


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