Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
Drew Sanford wrote:
 > No, but I am seeing it core dump rather strangely. Each time it starts
 > up, I can open a file dialog box to save an attachment or attach a
 > file one time just fine. The second time I try to attach or save a
 > file on any start up, it crashes.

BTW: Firefox 2.0.X does the same. Use "Save Link As..." a few times in a row (2 is usually sufficient) and have a core dump.

I had this happen with Firefox 2.0.X and Thunderbird 2.0.0 that I compiled myself as well as with this one (on 6.2-RELEASE): ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6-stable/www/firefox-,1.tbz

I guess someone should file a bug report...

Looks like the same problem at ports/105589, perhaps it needs to be reopened, seems to be the same problem. Haven't tried the workaround. Not sure how to do that on someone else's gnats. (cc to the gnats person who closed it)

Here are my packages that are required by Firefox in case you want to compare versions:

atk-1.12.3                  <  needs updating (port has 1.18.0)
desktop-file-utils-0.11     <  needs updating (port has 0.12)
expat-2.0.0_1               =  up-to-date with port
firefox-,1           =  up-to-date with port
freetype2-2.2.1_1           =  up-to-date with port
glib-2.12.4                 <  needs updating (port has 2.12.11)
gtk-2.10.6_2                <  needs updating (port has 2.10.11)
jpeg-6b_4                   =  up-to-date with port
libIDL-0.8.7                <  needs updating (port has 0.8.8)
libXft-2.1.7_1              =  up-to-date with port
libdrm-2.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
libiconv-1.9.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
nspr-4.6.3                  <  needs updating (port has 4.6.6)
nss-3.11.3                  <  needs updating (port has 3.11.5)
pango-1.14.7                <  needs updating (port has 1.16.3)
perl-5.8.8                  =  up-to-date with port
pkg-config-0.21             =  up-to-date with port
png-1.2.12_1                <  needs updating (port has 1.2.14)
xorg-fonts-encodings-6.9.0_1  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-truetype-6.9.0   =  up-to-date with port
xorg-libraries-6.9.0_1      =  up-to-date with port
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