NO. I'm making it sound like greylisting is NOT the world's answer to
stopping spam.  It's NOT a miracle cure, it is NOT the last, best hope
for peace.

Sigh. You might want to read the paper "Experiences with Greylisting" from the 2005 CEAS conference.

It was my original intention to show that greylisting worked because it
allows the blacklists time to get the submitter in their lists, not because
all spammers cannot tolerate greylisting delays because they are sending
spam so fast.

This claim has often been made by people who do not have much experience with greylisting. It's not true, and repeating it won't make it true. See the paper above for some actual data which shows that the overwhelming majority of spammers don't retry, unrelated to blacklists.

I then added to this later on the intention to show that depending on
greylisting alone  will not work in the long haul,

Nobody but you is making this absurd claim.  Please stop.

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