> I haven't been paying 100% attention. Just how does it fail? What do you
> mean by "corrupt"?
> Does the process run to completion?

All programs zip with no errors. On reading;

root# bzip2 -t zippedfile.bz2
bzip2: 3s1.com-smartstage_ftp-full-20070502-0125AM.1b.tar.bz2: 
data integrity (CRC) error in data

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.

- gzip also sites a "crc" error  
- can't remember rzip's error, (it does output an error.)
- uncompress goes without echoing error but tar expanded is
  not able to be untarred.

> Are the output zip files reasonable in size?

The zipped file size seems reasonable in each case.

> Are the expanded files reasonable in size? 

expanding will not complete, except uncompress, which expands the 
file to the original size, plus 6 bites, then the tar file expanded
is unreadable.

If so where does the mismatch
> start?

on expanding, it seems the error happens near or at the end of
the expanding process before halting and exiting with error,
that is if I attempt to read the file with "tar -tzf filename.tgz"
in gzip's case or "tar -tyf filename.bz2 in bzip2's case.

> Is the problem always in the same place for the same input file?

Pretty much, but I can't say if it is exactly the same in each case.

I am going to attempt swapping memory and see if the error continues.
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