Martin Tournoij wrote:
On Sat 05 May 2007 17:05, Ray wrote:
Hello all,
I did something stupid the other day (sleep deprivation combined with a "clever" hack were the main reasons), and I'm just curious if I did the right thing afterwards.

The mistake:
/usr/local/# rm -f *
note that root was running bash as a shell at the time, found in /usr/local/bin or something.

What I did was to start over, reinstall from scratch.
my question, was there an easier way?

You can use pkg_info -ga to check for missing files in your packages.

For (t)csh:
alias rm "rm -i"

For (ba)sh:
alias rm="rm -i"

Now that you've learned :).

Martin's suggestion is good though -- would have done that considering that all that lived in /usr/local were ports.

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