On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 05:26:44 -0500
stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 08:50:08PM -0600, Stephen Hilton wrote:
> > On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 18:29:22 -0500
> > stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > I want to use bind 9 from the ports tree. I see how to prevent the bundled
> > > bind from being built the next time I make world, and I see how to change
> > > the init files et all to use the ports bind9. 
> > > 
> > > What I _don't_ see (and I'm certain it's just my lack of knowledge here),
> > > is a clean way to remove all teh traces of the existing bersion of bind
> > > which was built the last time I did a make world.
> > > 
> > > Could someone enlighten me?
> > 
> > Stan,
> > 
> > These files would be the most important ones to rename/remove:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/dig
> > /usr/bin/dnsquery
> > /usr/bin/host
> > /usr/bin/dnskeygen
> > /usr/libexec/named-xfer
> > /usr/sbin/named
> > /usr/sbin/ndc
> > /usr/sbin/nslookup
> > /usr/sbin/nsupdate
> > 
> Thanks, that's helpful.
> I was hopin thta I would be able to go somewhere in the source tree, and do
> something like "make deinstll". But this list will let me do it by hand.
> Thanks, again.


Thanks for the thank you, :-)

One thing that I have not resolved is the issue with man pages. 
The Bind 9 docs are in HTML so that should be your main reference. 


Also a very good idea is to run Bind 9 chroot , my 
/etc/rc.conf entry looks like this:

named_flags="-u bind -t /var/chroot/named"      # Flags for chrooted named

And then this link should help with basic setup (the file list 
I provided is more up2date, the email is old so some files 
locations to rename/remove have changed for FreeBSD 4.7)



What chroot essentially does is to create a "fake root"
directory - from the perspective of the daemon, the whole
file system is rooted at this "chroot" directory.  Therefore
the only files/directories the daemon can see, are those
located within this directory.  (In some ways this is not
unlike the view of the filesystem given to ftp users when
the default "ftp root" of an ftp server is set to something
other than the "real" root directory.)


On FreeBSD, the default location for Bind's configuration
files is /etc/namedb.  Sometimes we also use a subdirectory
/etc/namedb/s, this is used to create a "sandbox", which 
limits some of the access the named daemon has but not 
nearly as securely as using chroot.  Bind9 now has a special
feature which makes it a little easier to chroot, among
other things eliminating the need to place shared libraries
and other executables in the "chroot jail".

Since Bind already exists in the base FreeBSD system, for
thoroughness we should consider renaming the existing files
in order to minimize confusion and mixed versions.  Here is
a list of files to consider renaming or removing:


For those who regularly rebuild their system from source,
once you've installed an independent version of Bind it's 
best to configure your system to no longer build the version
in the base system.  This is done by adding the following 
entry to /etc/make.conf (if this file doesn't exist, just
create it and add the following line - like rc.conf it 
only contains items which override default settings):

        NO_BIND=        true

We will move our configuration and other necessary files 
to /var/chroot/named, which will allow us to create logfiles
within the chroot jail without filling up ie the / filesystem.

Create the necessary directories and permissions:

        mkdir /var/chroot
        mkdir /var/chroot/named
        chown bind.bind /var/chroot/named
        chmod 750 /var/chroot/named
        cd /var/chroot/named
        mkdir etc
        mkdir etc/namedb
        mkdir var
        mkdir dev
Create the special files and set permissions:

        cp -p /etc/localtime /var/chroot/named/etc
        cp -p /etc/syslog.conf /var/chroot/named/etc
        cd /var/chroot/named/dev
        mknod zero c 2 12
        chmod 666 zero
        mknod random c 2 4
        chmod 644 random
        mknod null c 2 2
        chmod 666 null

Create a chrooted syslog socket by adding or editing syslog 
parameters in /etc/rc.conf thusly:

        syslogd_flags="-s -l /var/chroot/named/dev/log"

Build the distribution:

- Extract the distribution into a suitable directory (I use
- run ./configure and customize the destination paths if 

        ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/namedb 

Bear in mind that the "sysconfdir" is from the perspective of
the chrooted daemon - thus make sure it is *relative* to the
chrooted directory.  Actually if you create a directory structure
in the chrooted directory which is identical to the normal one
as seen from /, you can leave all the path declarations at their
defaults.  I just chose to emulate the default named.conf location
in FreeBSD.

In my case the build process did not put any default files in 
/var/chroot/named/etc/namedb, so I copied the ones from the Bind8
installation in /etc/namedb: make-localhost, PROTO.localhost.rev,
named.root.  (make-localhost is used to create a localhost reverse 

Setup rndc:
        rndc-confgen -a -t /var/chroot/named -u bind

The above should create a rndc-key file under /etc and the 
chrooted configuration directory.

Create rndc configuration strings:

        rndc-confgen >rndc.out

Inside the file just created above are 2 clearly marked sections:
one to place inside your named.conf file, and the other to form
a new configuration file /etc/rndc.conf.  If these files don't
exist when Bind is started it will complain and exit.


Most of Bind9 is similiar syntax-wise to Bind8, with a few
notable exceptions.

If you are customizing the logging parameters, bear in mind
that Bind9 does not parse customized logging parameters 
immediately on startup.  This means that regardless your 
customizations, startup messages will always go to the Bind
default location. (syslog)

Also the logging categories have changed, if you've customized
the defaults don't forget to look at this.  Check in section
6.2 of the Bind9 Administrators Reference Manual for complete
details.  Quick summary as of v9.2.0:

        cname, db, eventlib, insists, load, maintenance,
        ncache, os, packet, panic, parser, response-checks,
        client, database, dispatch, dnssec, general, network,
        resolver, unmatched

Remember that when you're running chrooted, logfiles need
to be located somewhere under the chroot directory, and paths
listed in named.conf are all relative to the chroot directory, 
not to the "real" root.  Make sure the directories that Bind
needs to write to (to backup zone files for secondary zones, 
and update the named.pid file) are writable to the user the 
daemon is running under.


I prefer to stick with existing scripts so I can continue to use
rc.conf to enable/disable Bind or modify launch parameters.  To
adapt it to our needs, make sure the following appears in rc.conf:

        named_flags="-u bind -t /var/chroot/named"

(Bind9 has changed the meaning of the "-g" param, so make sure
to remove it if it was there for Bind8.  "-t" activates Bind9's
special chroot feature.)


Information on the necessary steps for this project was
acquired from both ISC Bind documentation and certain 
posters on the comp.protocols.dns.bind newsgroup.  In
particular I want to acknowledge Will Yardley, Mark 
Andrews, Joseph Begumisa, "Exile" and Ralf Hildebrandt
for his excellent piece on chrooting Bind on HP-UX 9/10
at http://www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb/bind/.

Bind9_FreeBSD_chroot.txt v0.9  2002-04-27


Philip J. Koenig                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New Millenium


Stephen Hilton

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