
As I'd mentioned before, I upgraded my vim installation using
portupgrade.  However, when the upgrade completed, I could no longer
start vim in the GUI.  I get an error saying that GUI stuff wasn't
compiled.  I asked here at that time and was told to check up with the
port maintainer.  I've done this, but to no avail.  I've heard nary a
peep from the maintainer.

So, how do I modify the build environment properly to allow for the
building of the GUI?  There are several variables referenced in the
Makefile in /usr/ports/editors/vim, but I'm not sure what to make of

Can someone please educate me on how to make vim work with a GUI using
the ports rather than downloading and installing from scratch?  It's
not that I'm scared to install in that manner, it's just that I'd
rather make the port work.

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