On Monday 14 May 2007 08:33:25 am DSA - JCR wrote:
> HI all
> I have installed a FreeBSD 6.2 box as a backup box for a company. Also
> used GELI to crypto the external usb disk. ALL fine. well done to all.
> My question is that FBSD box sends daily reports messages (weekly also)
> but it send to a email address that doesn't exist. My box name is
> "mypc.net" and it send the messages to "mypc.net.net", this generates meny
> "Don't send email because email address does not exist".
> I don't know how to change this "double net".
> I use sendmail as default, and i have redirected the default root to an
> external own email in order to see how is going the system out of the
> office.
> the name of the box is "mypc.net" not "mypc.net.net".
> 1.- How or where can I change the box name for sendmail?
> 2.- Where can I get info about the reports (which info to send and when)?
> I would like to get the most info about the box out of the office.
> Thanks in advance
> Juan Coruña
> Desarrollo de Software Atlantico
And you don't have the double .nets in your /etc/mail/aliases file?  Did you 
correct it at one time and forget to do a 'newaliases' after the correction?


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