El día Wednesday, May 16, 2007 a las 04:40:24PM +0200, Nino Ivanov escribió:

> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I am still a newbie in some respects, so maybe this idea is a moot point
> or done already, but in case it is not, I'd like to suggest it:
> One nice thing about unix is this piping, like programX | programY |
> programZ...
> Well, I just thought: Wouldn't it be interesting if this were possible -
> in the same simplicity - over several machines as well? Like, something
> similar to: machine1:programX | machine2:programY | machine3:programZ...
> Machines could be identified by a name or an IP-Address.
> Just a thought...

$ programX | ssh machine2 programY

$ programX | ssh machine2 "programY | ssh machine3 programZ"

(if you have proper RSA keys and so on)

Matthias Apitz
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