Hello Roland,

Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 1:12:10 AM, you wrote:

> On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 12:56:08AM +0300, Ghirai wrote:
>> >> Hello list,
>> >> 
>> >> I'm running 6.2-RELEASE, SMP, on a
>> >> Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro v3205 (Core Duo).
>> >> 
>> >> Everything works fine, except the cpu throttling,
>> >> which makes the fan start quite often.
>> >> 
>> >> Is there any way to fix this?
>> > You need to do three things (as root);
>> > 1) Load the cpufreq module 'kldload cpufreq'.
>> > 2) Put 'powerd_enable="YES"' in your /etc/rc.conf
>> > 2) Start powerd: '/etc/rc.d/powerd start'
>> > Roland
>> Thanks for the hint.
>> I did that, but now xorg constantly uses 20-30% CPU.

> That's a lot. Are you doing anything to make it work hard? Such a
> constantly high CPU usage is not normal, IMHO. Unless you're doing
> something wacky like running xearth or xlock on your root window.

> You can try to renice(8) the X server. That might make it less jerky.

> Roland

No, i'm not doing anything at all.

KDE loads up, and after about 10 seconds (of me doing
nothing), xorg starts to use CPU, without any reason
(and no HD activity).

I tried it a couple of times, every time the same.

I renice-ed it, no use.

Are there any alternatives to powerd?

Also checked logs, nothing at all.

Oh, and thanks for your time :)

Best regards,

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